FY2021 FEDERAL CYBERSECURITY R&D STRATEGIC PLAN IMPLEMENTATION ROADMAP (8/14/2020) CYBERSECURITY, PUBLICATIONS, STRATEGY DOCUMENTS - View Full Text:  FY2021-Cybersecurity-RD-Roadmap.pdf This document provides FY2021 implementation plans for the 2019 Federal Cybersecurity Research and Development Strategic Plan (Plan), developed by the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) Program’s Cyber Security and Information Assurance (CSIA) Interagency Working Group (IWG).… ...
NITRD SUPPLEMENT TO THE PRESIDENT’S FY2021 BUDGET (8/14/2020) PUBLICATIONS, SUPPLEMENT TO THE PRESIDENT'S BUDGET - View Full Text:  FY2021-NITRD-Supplement.pdf Information technology (IT) and its enabling computing, networking, and software technologies have radically transformed human society across the globe over the course of just two generations. American innovators, companies, and government led this transformation. As global competition… ...
Lucy-Nowell NITRD MOURNS THE LOSS OF DR. LUCY NOWELL (6/25/2020) NEWS - It is with deep sadness that we share the news of the passing of Lucy Nowell on June 14, 2020. Lucy was a key contributor to NITRD, as a former co-chair to the High End Computing Interagency Working Group, an… ...
NITRD-Newsletter-052020 NITRD NEWSLETTER – MAY 2020 (5/4/2020) NEWS, NEWSLETTER, PUBLICATIONS - View Full Text:  NITRD-Newsletter-052020.pdf This revamped newsletter includes many interesting areas for you to explore: Snippets: Well, they are exactly that, snippets (with links) to fascinating agency projects in networking and information technology. Topic of the Day: This month we are… ...
COVID-19 ANNOUNCEMENT: TAGGING WEBSITE INFORMATION RELATED TO COVID-19 (4/15/2020) NEWS - To increase the online visibility of important COVID-19 information, Federal Chief Information Officers have been directed to incorporate the new Schema.org vocabulary for tagging websites that contain information about COVID-19 prevention measures, disease spread statistics, etc. These new tags are available in Schema.org Version… ...
nco-staff-2020 NATIONAL WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH: WOMEN OF THE NITRD NATIONAL COORDINATION OFFICE (3/25/2020) NEWS - The Women of the NITRD NCO in 2020 From seated center: Kamie Roberts, NITRD Director. Seated front: Ji Hyun Lee, Technical Coordinator; Diane Theiss, Financial Analyst and Deputy Chief of Staff. Back row left to right: Joyce Lee, Technical Coordinator; Virginia Moore,… ...
THE INTEROPERABILITY OF MEDICAL DEVICES, DATA, AND PLATFORMS TO ENHANCE PATIENT CARE (3/23/2020) PUBLICATIONS - In February 2019 the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) Program’s Health Information Technology Research and Development Interagency Working Group (HITRD IWG) issued a Request for Information (RFI) to collect input from industry, academia, and nongovernmental organizations on… ...
Federal-Health-IT-Strategic-Framework-2020-slide FEDERAL HEALTH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC FRAMEWORK (3/19/2020) PUBLICATIONS, STRATEGY DOCUMENTS - This strategic R&D Framework was developed to improve medical, functional, and public health outcomes through R&D in the use of data and IT for advanced health IT applications and improved detection of existing health concerns and discovery of emerging issues.… ...
AI-CS-2020 ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE AND CYBERSECURITY: OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES (3/2/2020) AI, CYBERSECURITY, PUBLICATIONS - On June 4-6, 2019, the National Science and Technology Council Subcommittees on National Information Technology and Networking Research and Development and Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence held a workshop to assess the research challenges and opportunities at the intersection of… ...
85-FR-9811 NOTICE OF OPEN TO THE PUBLIC MEETINGS OF THE NETWORKING AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (NITRD) PROGRAM (2/20/2020) FEDERAL REGISTER NOTICE, PUBLIC MEETINGS - The NITRD Program holds meetings that are open to the public to attend. The Joint Engineering Team (JET) and Middleware And Grid Interagency Coordination (MAGIC) Team provide an opportunity for the public to engage and participate in information sharing with… ...