86-FR-19032 Notice of the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development Program’s Advanced Wireless Test Platform (AWTP) Team and the Federal Mobility Group (FMG) Virtual Joint 5G Workshop (4/12/2021) AWTP, FEDERAL REGISTER NOTICE, WORKSHOP - The NITRD Advanced Wireless Test Platform (AWTP) Team and Federal Mobility Group (FMG) Joint 5G Workshop will consist of two half-day sessions with a focus on advancing the FMG work product – Framework to Conduct 5G Testing – by exploring… ...
R&D WORKFORCE TRAINING FEDERAL AGENCIES’ STEM INTERNSHIPS, SCHOLARSHIPS, AND TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES (3/25/2021) RESOURCES, STEM - Government sponsored internships and training programs are competitive, and oh so exciting! What makes these training experiences so rewarding is that students actually get to work in STEM fields of interest – in other words, be a real scientist or… ...
NITRD-Newsletter-122020 NITRD NEWSLETTER – DECEMBER 2020 (12/23/2020) NEWS, NEWSLETTER, PUBLICATIONS - The December newsletter includes many interesting areas for you to explore: * SNIPPETS: These are short descriptions with corresponding links to what NITRD's Federal agency members are doing in scientific computing technologies, including work to help fight COVID-19, which is… ...
85-FR-83627 REQUEST FOR INFORMATION ON POTENTIAL CONCEPTS AND APPROACHES FOR A NATIONAL STRATEGIC COMPUTING RESERVE (NSCR) (12/22/2020) FEDERAL REGISTER NOTICE - OSTP and the National Science and Technology Council’s (NSTC) Subcommittees on the Future Advanced Computing Ecosystem (FACE) and Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) request input from interested parties on the goals, value, and necessary approaches for establishing… ...
SC-FACE-Strategic-Plan-2020-slide PIONEERING THE FUTURE ADVANCED COMPUTING ECOSYSTEM: A STRATEGIC PLAN (11/18/2020) PUBLICATIONS, STRATEGY DOCUMENTS - This strategic plan envisions a future advanced computing ecosystem that provides the foundation for continuing American leadership in science and engineering, economic competitiveness, and national security. It develops a whole-of-nation approach based on input from government, academia, nonprofits, and industry… ...
cloud-ai-report-slide RECOMMENDATIONS FOR LEVERAGING CLOUD COMPUTING RESOURCES FOR FEDERALLY FUNDED ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT (11/17/2020) AI, PUBLICATIONS - This report is a product of interagency collaboration, led by the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) Select Committee on AI and Subcommittee on Machine Learning and AI (MLAI), that is one of several measures responding to the February 11,… ...
NCCA-2020-image2 NATIONAL CYBERSECURITY CAREER AWARENESS WEEK: RESOURCES FOR A CYBERSECURITY CAREER (11/10/2020) CYBERSECURITY, NEWS - Information technology (IT) is part of every aspect of modern life. Emerging technologies such as high-speed mobile networking and smart cities promise that cyberspace will continue to offer exceptional benefits to society. However, as society uses IT more there is… ...
cybersecurity-careers-slide NITRD’S SPOTLIGHT ON CYBERSECURITY CAREERS (11/9/2020) CYBERSECURITY, NEWS - Cybersecurity is a relatively new field especially in light that the global internet did not come into existence as we know it until the 1980’s. Mobile devices accelerated the use of the internet because it became easy to obtain information… ...
85-FR-52369 NOTICE OF VIRTUAL WORKSHOP ON SOFTWARE IN THE ERA OF EXTREME HETEROGENEITY (8/25/2020) FEDERAL REGISTER NOTICE - The workshop on “Software in the Era of Extreme Heterogeneity” will explore challenges and opportunities brought on by extreme heterogeneity of emerging and future computational platforms and how software and community must evolve to respond to the challenges being placed… ...
AI R&D INVESTMENTS DASHBOARD (8/21/2020) AI, RESOURCES - In support of Executive Order 13859, "Maintaining American Leadership in Artificial Intelligence", and The National Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Strategic Plan: 2019 Update, NITRD worked with Federal agencies to establish a process to accurately account for AI R&D investments, given that… ...