computer-science-education-week-slide NITRD SUPPORTS COMPUTER SCIENCE EDUCATION WEEK (12/13/2019) NEWS - The Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) Program and participating agencies prioritize computer science (CS) education and workforce development (EdW) for all ages and abilities. They champion a diverse, inclusive, well-trained workforce capable of creating, using, and sustaining… ...
Federal-Cybersecurity-RD-Strategic-Plan-2019-slide FEDERAL CYBERSECURITY RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIC PLAN (2019) (12/10/2019) CYBERSECURITY, PUBLICATIONS, STRATEGY DOCUMENTS - Information technology (IT) provides exceptional benefits to society. However, the more society relies on IT, the greater the potential disruption and destruction that adversaries can create via malicious cyber activities. Advances in cybersecurity are urgently needed to preserve the Internet’s… ...
AI-Progress-Report-2016-2019-slide 2016–2019 PROGRESS REPORT: ADVANCING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE R&D (11/20/2019) AI, PUBLICATIONS - The United States national strategy for artificial intelligence (AI), the American AI Initiative, identifies research and development (R&D) as a top priority for maintaining global leadership in AI. The United States leads the world in AI innovation, due in large… ...
National-Strategic-Computing-Initiative-Update-2019-slide NATIONAL STRATEGIC COMPUTING INITIATIVE UPDATE: PIONEERING THE FUTURE OF COMPUTING (11/14/2019) PUBLICATIONS - The national computing landscape is undergoing rapid evolution along multiple dimensions due to the introduction of new and potentially disruptive technologies and the demands of new classes of data-intensive applications. Computer architectures and systems are more heterogeneous and complex, and… ...
WSRD-Spectrum-Security-WorkshopSummary-2019-slide SECURITY FROM A WIRELESS SPECTRUM PERSPECTIVE: TECHNOLOGY INNOVATION AND POLICY RESEARCH NEEDS (9/30/2019) CYBERSECURITY, PUBLICATIONS, WIRELESS SPECTRUM - Communications over the wireless medium pose security threats that are yet to be fully understood. It is currently possible for attackers that are within the wireless range to hijack or intercept an unprotected connection without being detected. With the advent… ...
FY2020-Cybersecurity-RD-Roadmap-Slide FY2020 FEDERAL CYBERSECURITY R&D STRATEGIC PLAN IMPLEMENTATION ROADMAP (9/10/2019) CYBERSECURITY, PUBLICATIONS, STRATEGY DOCUMENTS - This document provides FY2020 implementation details for the 2016 Federal Cybersecurity Research and Development Strategic Plan, developed by the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) Program’s Cyber Security and Information Assurance (CSIA) Interagency Working Group (IWG). This Strategic… ...
FY2020-NITRD-Supplement-Slide SUPPLEMENT TO THE PRESIDENT’S FY2020 BUDGET (9/10/2019) PUBLICATIONS, SUPPLEMENT TO THE PRESIDENT'S BUDGET - Information technologies (IT) – including networking, computing, and software – comprise the most broadly transformative suite of technologies ever invented. American innovations in these fields since the late 1960s have led the world into a new technological era and opened… ...
Convergence-HPC-BD-ML-JointWSreport-2019-slide THE CONVERGENCE OF HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING, BIG DATA, AND MACHINE LEARNING (9/9/2019) BIG DATA, HPC, PUBLICATIONS - The high performance computing (HPC) and big data (BD) communities are evolving in response to changing user needs and technological landscapes. Researchers are increasingly using machine learning (ML) not only for data analytics but also for modeling and simulation; science-based… ...
FutureComputing-COI-MeetingReadout-2019-slide FUTURE COMPUTING COMMUNITY OF INTEREST MEETING OF AUGUST 5-6, 2019 (9/9/2019) NEWS, PUBLICATIONS - The Future Computing (FC) Community of Interest (CoI) meeting on August 5–6, 2019, explored the evolving computing landscape to inform agencies about potential opportunities as well as gaps in the Nation’s future computing objectives. The meeting focused on where computing… ...
84 FR 36625 NOTICE OF WORKSHOP ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE & WIRELESS SPECTRUM: OPPORTUNITIES AND CHALLENGES (7/29/2019) FEDERAL REGISTER NOTICE, WIRELESS SPECTRUM - This workshop will focus on the opportunities and challenges posed by the application of existing and new Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques in the wireless spectrum context. ...