FY 2021 – 2023 Progress Report on Pioneering the Future Advanced Computing Ecosystem: A Strategic Plan


View Full Text:  FY2021-2023-FACE-Progress-Report.pdf

The national advanced computing ecosystem (comprised of computing systems, data storage systems, advanced instruments and data repositories, visualization environments, and people, with high-speed networks to link them together) supports the national research and development enterprise. This ecosystem is a strategic asset for ensuring a robust U.S. economy and safeguarding the security of the nation. The 2020 NSTC report, Pioneering the Future Advanced Computing Ecosystem: A Strategic Plan, laid out a vision for a Future Advanced Computing Ecosystem (FACE). The document outlined a federal strategic plan for a whole-of-nation approach to pioneering the future national advanced computing ecosystem. Since its publication, federal agencies have worked to realize the vision laid out in the strategic plan through significant investments in computing, storage, data, software, and workforce development, that lays the foundations for a national FACE asset that provides a production quality computing infrastructure to support critical applications. At the same time, significant investments have been made to support foundational, applied, and translational research and development to drive the future of advanced computing and its application; and to integrate future technologies and foster strategic partnerships across the government, academia, and industry.

The FY 2021 – 2023 Progress Report on Future Advanced Computing Ecosystem (FACE) Strategic Plan summarizes the important progress that agencies are making to achieve the following national FACE objectives as listed in the 2020 NSTC report, Pioneering the Future Advanced Computing Ecosystem: A Strategic Plan:

Strategic Objective 1: Advanced Computing Ecosystem as a Strategic National Asset

Strategic Objective 2: Robust, Sustainable Software and Data Ecosystem

Strategic Objective 3: Foundational, Applied, and Translational R&D

Strategic Objective 4: Fostering a Diverse, Capable, and Flexible Workforce

This progress report summarizes investments and activities under each strategic objective and the sub-objectives, as listed in the 2020 strategic plan. The report also highlights outcomes of selected investments and activities from across the federal agencies.

At a high level, the progress report also conveys the following key messages:

  • The federal government has made strategic investments and developed key partnerships with industry and academia to realize the FACE objectives and made significant progress towards creating a robust FACE national asset.
  • The United States benefits significantly from the current FACE assets in science and engineering, economic competitiveness, and national security.
  • Continued support is needed to ensure that the national asset continues to keep pace with the rapidly evolving computing technology landscape and supports the growing national demands for advanced computing.

View Full Text:  FY2021-2023-FACE-Progress-Report.pdf