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Testbeds provide environments to support development of real-world applications of AI that are robust and trustworthy. They embody key mechanisms to support research progress by creating benchmarking standards, enabling reproducibility testing, and building communities of discovery and practice. Locate Federally-supported testbed and testing resources that can support AI research.

Note: information on the virtual facilities is not represented on the map.

ID Testbed Name Testbed Host Agency Domain Application Description Url Logo FacilityLocationAddress FacilityLocationGeo FacilityLocationGeo2 FacilityLocationGeo3 FacilityLocationGeo4 Type of Facility
ID Testbed Name Testbed Host Agency Domain Application Description Url Logo FacilityLocationAddress FacilityLocationGeo FacilityLocationGeo2 FacilityLocationGeo3 FacilityLocationGeo4 Type of Facility

Page updated: March 14, 2024