Each NITRD member agency identifies a primary representative, and often an alternate as well, to the NITRD Subcommittee. These Federal agency experts plan and execute the high-impact interagency coordination activities of the NITRD Subcommittee. The following people serve as agency representatives and alternates to the NITRD Subcommittee.
Executive Office of the President
Lisa E. Friedersdorf (acting)
Executive Director, National Science and Technology Council
Office of Science and Technology Policy
Executive Office of the President
The White House
Elisabeth L. McClure
Program Examiner
Energy Branch
Office of Management and Budget
Executive Office of the President
The White House
William McNavage
Program Examiner
Energy Branch
Office of Management and Budget
Executive Office of the President
The White House
Kei Koizumi
Principal Deputy Director for Science, Society, and Policy
Office of Science and Technology Policy
Executive Office of the President
The White House
Department of Commerce (DOC)
Kevin Stine
NIST Representative to NITRD Subcommittee
Director, Information Technology Laboratory
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Kamie Roberts
NIST Alternate Representative to NITRD Subcommittee
NIST AI Executive Order Program Manager
Associate Director for Government and Industrial Liaison
Information Technology Laboratory
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Frank Indiviglio
NOAA Representative to NITRD Subcommittee
Chief Technology Officer
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Leslie Hart
NOAA Alternate Representative to NITRD Subcommittee
Senior HPC Software Engineer
OCIO/High Performance Computing and Communications
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Jerry Ma
USPTO Representative to the NITRD Subcommittee
Director of Emerging Technology
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Nalini Mummalaneni
USPTO Alternate Representative to the NITRD Subcommittee
Senior Legal Advisor,
Project Lead, AI and Emerging Technology Working Group
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Department of Defense (DoD)
Kathleen Fisher
DARPA Representative to NITRD Subcommittee
Director, Information Innovation Office (I2O)
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
Matthew Turek
DARPA Alternate Representative to NITRD Subcommittee
Deputy Director, Information Innovation Office (I2O)
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)
Rita M Bush
NSA Representative to NITRD Subcommittee
Chief, Laboratory for Advanced Cybersecurity Research
National Security Agency
Glenn M. Lilly
NSA Alternate Representative to NITRD Subcommittee
National Security Agency
Forrest Shull
OSD Representative to NITRD Subcommittee
Principal Director, Advanced Computing and Software
Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (OUSD R&E)
Military Services
Zola Donovan
Air Force Representative to NITRD Subcommittee
Program Element Monitor, C4I & Cyber
Science & Technology Management Division (SAF/AQRT)
Sandy Landsberg
NAVY Representative to NITRD Subcommittee
Division Director
Mathematics, Computer and Information Sciences (Code 311)
Office of Naval Research
Samuel Weber
Navy Alternate Representative to NITRD Subcommittee
Program Officer
Office of Naval Research
Department of Energy (DOE)
Cheri Caddy
DOE/CESER Representative to NITRD Subcommittee
Senior Advisor for Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity, Energy Security & Emergency Response
U.S. Department of Energy
Fowad Muneer
DOE/CESER Alternate Representative to NITRD Subcommittee
Acting Deputy Director, Risk Management Tools and Technologies
Cybersecurity, Energy Security, and Emergency Response
U.S. Department of Energy
Thuc T. Hoang
DOE/NNSA Representative to NITRD Subcommittee
Program Manager, Office of Advanced Simulation and Computing
National Nuclear Security Administration
U.S. Department of Energy
Bridget Carper
DOE/OCIO Representative to NITRD Subcommittee
Deputy Chief Information Officer for
Architecture, Engineering, Technology, and Innovation
U.S. Department of Energy, Office of the Chief Information Officer
Ceren Susut
DOE/SC Representative to NITRD Subcommittee
Associate Director (Acting), Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research
U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science
Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
Christine Dymek
AHRQ Representative to NITRD Subcommittee
Director, Digital Healthcare Research Division
Center for Evidence and Practice Improvement
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Kevin Chaney
AHRQ Alternate Representative to the NITRD Subcommittee
Health Scientist Administrator, Division of Digital Healthcare Research
Center for Evidence and Practice Improvement
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Steven Posnack
HHS/ASTP Representative to NITRD Subcommittee
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Stephen Konya
HHS/ASTP Alternate Representative to NITRD Subcommittee
Senior Advisor to the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Technology Policy and Innovation Portfolio Lead
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Susan Gregurick
NIH Representative to NITRD Subcommittee
Director, Division of Biomedical Technology, Bioinformatics, and Computational Biology
National Institute of General Medical Sciences
National Institute of Health
Ishwar Chandramouliswaran
NIH Alternate Representative to NITRD Subcommittee
Lead, FAIR Data & Resources
National Institutes of Health
Vladimir Murashov
NIOSH Representative to the NITRD Subcommittee
Senior Scientist
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health
Department of Homeland Security (DHS)
Donald L. Coulter
DHS S&T Representative to NITRD Subcommittee
Senior Science Advisor for Cybersecurity
Science and Technology Directorate
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Sridhar Kowdley
DHS S&T Alternate Representative to NITRD Subcommittee
Program Manager, Technology Centers
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Russell Becker
DHS S&T Alternate Representative to NITRD Subcommittee
Interdisciplinary Supervisory General Engineer, Technology Centers
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Department of the Interior (DOI)
Tim Quinn
U.S. Geological Survey Representative to NITRD Subcommittee
Associate Chief Information Officer
Office of Enterprise Information (OEI)
U.S. Geological Survey
Department of Justice (DOJ)
Kyle (Novak) Fox
NIJ Representative to NITRD Subcommittee
Science & Technology Research Advisor
National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice
Mark Greene
NIJ Alternate Representative to NITRD Subcommittee
Division Director, Policy and Standards Division, Office of Science and Technology
National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice
Department of Veteran Affairs (VA)
Gil Alterovitz
NAII at VA Representative to NITRD Subcommittee
National Artificial Intelligence Institute (NAII)
U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
Independent Agencies
Kevin J. Murphy
NASA Representative to NITRD Subcommittee
Chief Science Data Officer
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Bryan A. Biegel
NASA Alternate Representative to NITRD Subcommittee
Co-Lead, NASA Digital Transformation Formulation Team
NASA Ames Research Center
Joydip Kundu
NSF Representative to NITRD Subcommittee
Deputy Assistant Director
Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE)
National Science Foundation
Dilma Da Silva
NSF Alternate Representative to NITRD Subcommittee
Division Director for Computing and Communication Foundations
Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE)
National Science Foundation