- Event: Software Defined Networking (SDN) Program Review
- Date: December 17-18, 2013
- Location: National Science Foundation, Arlington, Virginia
The U.S. Department of Energy, National Science Foundation, and the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) Program hosted the Software Defined Networking (SDN) Program Review at the National Science Foundation in Arlington, Virginia.
Steering group
Organizing Committee
Program Review Goals
The goals of this review are to bring together key individuals from academia, federal agencies, and the commercial sector to:
1. Identify the requirements, timing, and responsibilities needed, over the short term, to develop, deploy and operate a prototype multi-domain SDN network with:
- Transparency and interoperation among SDN domains
- Transparency and interoperation with the public Internet
- Acceptable levels of cybersecurity and robustness
- Technology development for Layer 1, 2, and 3 operations
- Interdomain policy issues (control, identity management, information sharing, …)
- Advanced network capabilities demonstration with SDN like quality-of-service, efficient equipment usage, and energy use reductions
- Participation of commercial equipment providers to facilitate technology transfer
- Development of new applications that leverage novel SDN capabilities
2. Identify needed research and development, over the longer term, to increase the capability of SDN networks to support user applications, and to better integrate SDN technologies with the public Internet and emerging cloud technologies
3. Provide a review report documenting recommendations for needed R&D, resources and collaboration to deploy and operate the prototype nationwide SDN network and to identify future SDN research needs
- “Operationalization of Software-Defined Networks (SDN) Program Review”, Large Scale Networking (LSN) Workshop Report, December 2013
- “Complex Engineered Networks”, Large Scale Networking (LSN) Workshop Report, September 2012.
- “Report of the Interagency Optical Network Testbeds Workshop 2 (ONT2)”, Joint Engineering Team (JET) Workshop Report, September 2005.
- “New Visions for Large Scale Networks: Research and Applications”, Large Scale Networking (LSN) Workshop Report, March 2001.