NITRD’s 30th Anniversary Symposium Recap – Panel 3: Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning

(June 21, 2022)

Arguably one of the greatest areas of progress in computing research over the last decade has been Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. The field has seen an AI/robotics revolution, and an explosion of new technologies, establishing itself as one of the underpinnings of society. Panel 3: AI/ML, moderated by Liz Bradley (University of Colorado Boulder) and starring panelists Charles Isbell (Georgia Tech), Chad Jenkins (UM), Talitha Washington (CAU), and Patti Ordóñez Franco (UPRRP) celebrated these federally funded advances and discussed the challenges these new innovations bring with them.

NITRD’s 30th Anniversary Symposium Recap – Panel 2: Networking and Security

(June 16, 2022)

Technological advancements are growing at an explosive rate around the world. As new technologies arise so do new security vulnerabilities and opportunities for infiltration of the networks that underpin these advances. Moderated by Bob Bonneau (OSD/DOD), Panel 2: Networking and Security, at NITRD’s 30th Anniversary Symposium, led a discussion between field experts Deborah Frincke (Sandia NL), Jim Kurose (UMA), and Chris Ramming (VMware) about key challenges and necessary advancements to ensure secure and trustworthy networks.

NITRD’s 30th Anniversary Symposium Recap – Panel 1: Computing at Scale

(June 14, 2022)

This post is the first in a series highlighting the panels from that day, starting with Panel 1: Computing at Scale, moderated by Ben Zorn (Microsoft) and featuring distinguished panelists Luiz André Barroso (Google), Ian Foster (Argonne NL), Timothy Pinkston (USC), and Kathy Yelick (UCB). The panel led a riveting discussion celebrating the incredible past achievements of high performance computing (HPC) and cloud computing, as well as looking ahead to where this technology is going and how it is affecting society.

NITRD 30th Anniversary Symposium Recap

(June 8, 2022)

The NITRD 30th Anniversary Symposium was held in Washington D.C. at the National Spy Museum. The event provided an opportunity for the computing research community to come together and celebrate the impact that federal funding has had on computing technologies, innovations and the world at large.

HRSA Inaugural National Telehealth Conference May 16-17, 2022

(April 18, 2022)

HHS’s Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) and are pleased to host a National Telehealth Conference bringing together public and private sector leaders to discuss telehealth best practices and lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic. Over the course of two days (May 16-17, 2022), experts in the field will examine the evolution of telehealth as part of the standard of care and the importance of its continued integration in an overall, integrated care delivery model.


(December 3, 2021)

This document is a supplement to the President’s FY2022 Budget Request to Congress. Following Congressional mandate, the Supplement incorporates budgetary and programmatic information for member agencies of the NITRD Program and also, for the first time, of the National Artificial Intelligence Initiative. This report covers FY2020 actual investments, FY2021 enacted, and FY2022 requested funding levels by agency and Program Component Area (PCA) for all NITRD R&D programs, as well as describing the key R&D programs and coordination activities planned for FY2022 by the Federal agencies participating in NITRD. This Supplement also reports specific agency investments for FYs 2020–2022 for advanced wireless communications and for AI and the National AI Research Institutes. A separate appendix, the FY2022 Federal Cybersecurity R&D Strategic Plan Implementation Roadmap lists existing and proposed R&D projects that address critical national cybersecurity needs (