The NITRD National Coordination Office (NCO) provides day-to-day support to the NITRD Program, the NITRD Subcommittee, and its IWGs by providing technical staff expertise, planning, coordination, point of contact, physical and virtual meeting venues, and administrative assistance for Program activities. The NCO continuously seeks to enhance its ability to be a catalyst for collaboration, exchange of information, and outreach to foster knowledge, methods, R&D, technology transfer, and innovation for U.S. global leadership in networking and information technology and their applications. The budget for the NCO is set by the NITRD Subcommittee.

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Kirk Dohne

Kirk Dohne, Acting Director

Kirk Dohne joins the NITRD NCO from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), where he served as the associate director of the engineering laboratory and, previously, as the director of the office of programs in the Information Technology Laboratory.

While at NIST, Dohne oversaw the 90+ projects in the Engineering Laboratory. He led strategic planning, implementation, and review of projects in the areas of advanced manufacturing, automation, and autonomous systems; energy-efficient, high-performance buildings; and disaster-resilient buildings, infrastructure, and communities. He performed similar roles in the Information Technology Laboratory for projects covering cybersecurity, software and systems, advanced networking, applied mathematics, and statistical engineering.

Dohne received his Bachelor of Science in Physics and Economics from Dickinson College, Master of Business Administration from the University of Texas at Austin, and Juris Doctor from the George Washington University Law School.

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Key NCO Activities on behalf of the NITRD Program and in cooperation with its oversight and participating bodies are as follows:

  • Prepare and disseminate the NITRD Supplements to the President’s Budget, which provides annual budgetary and program summaries for agency research activities planned and coordinated through NITRD, as required by law.
  • Prepare and disseminate other NITRD documents and resources, such as multiagency strategic plans, workshop reports, recommendations on specific R&D topics, and Federal agency resource guides in specific areas of interest to the Nation’s IT community.
  • Maintain the NITRD website, including its electronic publications librarynews updates about current NITRD activities, and the Federal IT resource guides and inventories.
  • Support external reviews by the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) of the NITRD Program, transmit the results of these evaluations to Congress, and undertake to effect positive changes in the Program in response to the reviews.
  • Hold public meetings and provide expert presentations on IT topics, as appropriate.

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NCO Mission Statement: The National Coordination Office (NCO) supports the national Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) Program by providing technical expertise, planning, and coordination and by serving as the Program’s central point of contact.

NCO Vision Statement: The National Coordination Office (NCO) continuously seeks to enhance its ability to be a catalyst for collaboration, exchange of information, and outreach to foster knowledge, methods, R&D, technology transfer, and innovation for U.S. global leadership in networking and information technology and its applications.

NCO Goals:

  • Support NITRD strategic planning and assessments.
  • Enhance and expand participation in the NITRD Program.
  • Enhance coordination among organizations with NIT R&D activities.
  • Enhance collaboration among NITRD agencies and with the private sector.
  • Support NITRD goals for technology transfer.
  • Enhance outreach efforts and increase awareness of the NITRD Program.
  • Support the NITRD Program through effective IT capabilities.
  • Enhance, maintain and attract a high performing workforce.
  • Seek opportunities to support NITRD interests and goals in the international arena.

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  • Mailing Address: NCO/NITRD, 2415 Eisenhower Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22314, USA
  • Physical Address: 490 L’Enfant Plaza SW, Suite 8001, Washington, DC 20024, USA
  • Tel: 202-459-9674
  • Fax: 202-459-9673
  • Email:
  • Directions and Procedures

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