
  • Event: Data Sharing and Metadata Curation: Obstacles and Strategies: Future strategies for managing scientific data and metadata for basic and applied research
  • Date: May 29, 2013
  • Location: National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA
  • Participant List


The purpose of this workshop was to have focused discussions on future strategies for managing scientific data and metadata for basic and applied research; specifically,

  • (a) how to better enable, encourage, and realize sharing of data, both across disciplinary divides and between “micro-silos” within research domains,
  • (b) how to acquire, manage, and curate metadata in order to ensure usability and comprehensibility of data over time and between disciplines, and
  • (c) how to enable data discovery, access, and analysis across distributed, public, and private data centers.

Metadata Questions to Consider

  1. What metadata, and what kinds of metadata management, are needed to enable re-use of data, both across domains and across silos within domains?
  2. How can we incentivize researchers and providers to curate their data, organize it with useful metadata, and make it publicly available?
  3. Maximum impact of data occurs when analytics make use of all available relevant data; how can analytics developers be challenged to make this standard practice?
  4. What are the data ownership and personal identifiable information issues (obstacles/solutions) that can be addressed in this context?
  5. What are the top two data/metadata problems you would like to solve?


Welcome and Introduction

Mark Suskin, NSF

Practitioners’ Perspectives

Moderated by Robert Chadduck, NSF

  • “DataOne (DataNet Observational Network for the Earth)”, Rebecca Koskela, University of New Mexico, slidesvideo
  • “DFC/iRODS (DataNet Federation Consortium/innovative rules oriented data system)”, Reagan Moore and Mary Whitton, RENCI, slidesvideo
  • “NIST/ITL/MML (NIST Information Technology Laboratory and Material Measurement Lab)”, Mary Brady, Ram Sriram, NIST ITL, and Jim Warren, Carelyn Campbell, NIST MML, slidesvideo
  • “NCN/nanoHUB (Network for Computational Nanotechnology)”, Gerhard Klimeck, Purdue, slidesvideo
  • “BMIR (Stanford Center for Biomedical Informatics Research)”, Mark Musen, Stanford, slidesvideo

Open Discussion – Practitioners’ Perspectives

Moderated by Robert Chadduck

Trans-disciplinary Community Perspectives

Moderated by Alan Hall, NOAA, and Jon Petters, AAAS Fellow at DOE

  • “RDA (Research Data Alliance)”, Fran Berman, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, slidesvideo
  • “EarthCube”, Joel Cutcher-Gershenfeld, University of Illinois, slidesvideo
  • “Interagency Perspectives”, Ted Haberman, HDF Group, slidesvideo

Open Discussion – Community Perspectives

Alan Hall and Jon Petters

Open Discussion: Barriers and Opportunities

Moderated by Peter Lyster, NIH, and Mark Suskin


“Summary and Wrap-up”, Tom Statler, NSF