
  • Event: Measuring the Impact of Digital Repositories
  • Date: February 28, 2017 – March 1, 2017
  • Location: National Science Foundation (NSF)
  • Agenda
  • Reading and Resource List
  • Federal Register Notice: 82 FR 9400, “Measuring the Impact of Digital Repositories”, The National Coordination Office (NCO) for Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD), February 6, 2017.


Digital Repository (definition)

“Repositories preserve, manage, and provide access to many types of digital materials in a variety of formats. Materials in online repositories are curated to enable search, discovery, and reuse. There must be sufficient control for the digital material to be authentic, reliable, accessible and usable on a continuing basis”, CASRAI Dictionary, retrieved January 31, 2017.

Workshop Goal

Managers, funders, and users of digital data repositories are interested in assessing and communicating the impact of such repositories. A systematic approach and well-understood metrics, that may be quantitative or qualitative in nature, are needed to determine “impact.” The goal of this workshop is to identify the current metrics, tools and practices that are effective, and the issues that will require additional research.

Workshop Objectives

  • Identify current metrics, tools and methodologies for assessing and communicating the impact of digital repositories
  • Identify technical, social and financial obstacles
  • Synthesize the results into a set of:
    • Best practices for both near and long term success.
    • Research topics designed to advance the creation and adoption of high quality evaluation criteria


Keynote – Dr. Francine Berman

Dr. Francine Berman, Hamilton Professor of Computer Science, RPI, Chair, Research Data Alliance/ US
